Resources library - Case Studies & Snapshots

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Case Studies & Snapshots Resources

Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2018

Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2018

In October 2018, over one tonne of marine debris was removed from priority Ramsar sites thanks to the help of volunteers, community groups and organisations. Watch the event highlights!

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Land managers band together to control wild dogs

Land managers band together to control wild dogs

In late 2013, Taroom grazier Don Lethbridge was experiencing significant wild dog attacks on his cattle, as were many other graziers in the area. He knew that coordinating wild dog control campaigns across multiple properties would not just be good for him—it would benefit everyone.

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Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

When Brian Hay and his wife Lynne completed Grazing Best Management Practices (Grazing BMP) in 2013, they were pleased to discover that their land management plan for Gunnado, their 33,800 hectare cattle property 77 kilometres west-north-west of Taroom, was heading in the right direction.

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Creating a legacy future generations will be proud to inherit

Project Snapshot - Establishing 'A-class' Grazing in the Burdekin and Fitzroy

PROJECT SUMMARY • Cross-regional program coordination with NQ Dry Tropics • Over 50 graziers canvassed, eight engaged in the Fitzroy Region project • The eight Fitzroy participants collectively installed 34.5km of fencing, 35.9km pipe, nine tanks and 30 troughs to facilitate offstream watering • 19 regional landholder events to support and promote improving practices • End of program celebratory Reef to Beef tour in Townsville for project participants and families

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CQ Graziers sum up their learnings from Reef Trust 1

CQ Graziers sum up their learnings from Reef Trust 1

Central Queensland landholders share three years of learnings from their involvement with Reef Trust 1 project.

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Tackling feral pigs together increases effectiveness

Tackling feral pigs together increases effectiveness

In 2013, a group of Theodore landholders were experiencing crop damage, grazing land damage and a spreading weed problem—all caused by feral pigs.

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Grazing for the future

Using new techniques and technologies in an age-old industry

Dan Burnham is a fifth generation grazier, but even with his background and grazing blood, he believes there’s always more to learn, more profitable ways to graze and more country to protect.

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GRASS Case Study

GRASS Case Study

Property owners Ben and Nicole Featherstone have been working hard to improve land condition on their central Queensland grazing property, 'Kenkara'. Learn how funding through the GRASS program is helping them to reach their goals.

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Case Study

Calliungal Wetland Case Study

A Queensland Government case study focusing on managing cattle and wetlands where three rivers meet; on the Calliungal floodplain.

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