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Case Studies & Snapshots Resources

Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

When Brian Hay and his wife Lynne completed Grazing Best Management Practices (Grazing BMP) in 2013, they were pleased to discover that their land management plan for Gunnado, their 33,800 hectare cattle property 77 kilometres west-north-west of Taroom, was heading in the right direction.

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Grazing for the future

Using new techniques and technologies in an age-old industry

Dan Burnham is a fifth generation grazier, but even with his background and grazing blood, he believes there’s always more to learn, more profitable ways to graze and more country to protect.

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Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Rainy weather in CQ in the last few years has been a boon for local wetlands, and the fish, birds and other wildlife that rely on them. One local grower is helping protect local natural beauty by reducing run-off from his property.

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Improving run-off

Restoring flooded cotton farm

Arcturus Downs, located near Springsure, is one of many cotton farms in the Fitzroy Basin that sustained significant damage to its fields and infrastructure through wet season flooding in recent years.

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Long-term restoration – improving land condition

Long-term restoration - improving land condition

Ross Christiansen and his son Garth were some of the first landholders to partner with Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. to trial a new approach to restoring the condition of grazing land.

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Using cattle to regenerate land

Using cattle to regenerate land - paddocks need rest

Controlling up to 1500 head of cattle that use a short stretch of Fitzroy River frontage is no easy task, but Andrew and Meagan Lawrie have changed their property and management to use livestock to regenerate previously degraded areas.

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Fencing land types case study

Fencing land types - If you fence it, they will eat it

Making cattle eat the right grass in the right place is a lot like forcing a child to eat their vegetables - it’s difficult. When cattle find a more desirable grass species in a level, shady spot, they stick around.

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Healing gully erosion at Hillview

Healing gully erosion at Hillview

Matt and Diana Hinz have been in the rural grazing industry all their lives. They take pride in owning land, implementing new strategies and seeing improvements being made on their property ‘Hillview’.

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Healing gully erosion at Junee

Healing gully erosion at Junee

The titles for Junee have been in the Luck family (Richard, Gaye, Matt, Jo and Nerida) for almost 100 years. The 25,000 hectare property, which has considerable river frontage, extends from the Junee tableland to the Mackenzie River.

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