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Case Studies & Snapshots Resources

QLD Regional NRM – Our Big Backyard

Protecting waterways through better management - QLD Regional NRM - Our Big Backyard

Australia is a big country. Ever wondered who takes care of the land beyond your back fence? A lot of work is done by regional natural resource management (NRM) groups. There are 14 groups covering all of Queensland, they coordinate efforts to improve and protect our waterways and landscapes - working with farmers, graziers, governments, Landcare, and community groups. It's a big backyard and there's a lot happening. For example, through the work of regional NRM groups in Queensland more than 1 million hectares of land is being managed more sustainably (in the four years to June 2011). This means farmers like Nigel, who grows irrigated cotton, are changing their practices to ensure less run-off of contaminants into nearby waterways, which eventually flow to the ocean.

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QLD Regional NRM – Our Big Backyard

More than 2 million ha native vegetation protected

Australia is a big country. Ever wondered who takes care of the land beyond your back fence? A lot of work is done by regional natural resource management (NRM) groups. There are 14 groups covering all of Queensland, they coordinate efforts to improve and protect our waterways and landscapes - working with farmers, graziers, governments, Landcare, and community groups. It's a big backyard and there's a lot happening. For example, through the work of regional NRM groups in Queensland more than 2 million hectares of native vegetation has been protected (in the four years to June 2011).

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QLD Regional NRM – Our Big Backyard

One million hectares managed sustainably

Australia is a big country. Ever wondered who takes care of the land beyond your back fence? A lot of work is done by regional natural resource management (NRM) groups. There are 14 groups covering all of Queensland, they coordinate efforts to improve and protect our waterways and landscapes - working with farmers, graziers, governments, Landcare, and community groups. It's a big backyard and there's a lot happening. For example, through the projects of regional NRM groups in catchments that drain to the Great Barrier Reef, one million hectares of land is being managed more sustainably (in the four years to June 2011).

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QLD Regional NRM – Our Big Backyard

More than 5000 training events

Australia is a big country. Ever wondered who takes care of the land beyond your back fence? A lot of work is done by regional natural resource management (NRM) groups. There are 14 groups covering all of Queensland, they coordinate efforts to improve and protect our waterways and landscapes - working with farmers, graziers, governments, Landcare, and community groups. It's a big backyard and there's a lot happening. For example, more than 5000 training events were run or supported by regional NRM groups in the 4 years to June 2011 - that's a lot of new knowledge and skills!

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Healing gully erosion at Mt Ball

Healing gully erosion at Mt Ball

Stuart Donaldson and his family have lived on Mt Ball since 1997, a 9,000 ha property originally part of the neighbouring property Keilambete purchased by his father in 1968. Mt Ball is situated on the Clermont-Rubyvale road (north-west of Rubyvale) and consists mostly of undulating country of very old geology scattered with numerous ‘younger’ basalt peaks.

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Fitzroy Basin Association’s History – Part 1, 2 & 3

Fitzroy Basin Association's History - Part 1

After 21 years of protecting natural assets in the Fitzroy region, we thought it time to look back. The three-part video series chronologically covers the changing environments, our achievements and all those involved in FBA's 21-year journey.

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Fitzroy Basin Association’s History – Part 1, 2 & 3

Fitzroy Basin Association's History - Part 2

After 21 years of protecting natural assets in the Fitzroy region, we thought it time to look back. The three-part video series chronologically covers the changing environments, our achievements and all those involved in FBA's 21-year journey.

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Fitzroy Basin Association’s History – Part 1, 2 & 3

Fitzroy Basin Association's History - Part 3

After 21 years of protecting natural assets in the Fitzroy region, we thought it time to look back. The three-part video series chronologically covers the changing environments, our achievements and all those involved in FBA's 21-year journey.

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Reducing the spread of Parkinsonia

Reducing the spread of Parkinsonia

On Donald Black’s property Langley, a 4,881 hectare cattle property about halfway between Middlemount and Clarke Creek, Parkinsonia—a Weed of National Significance—has gained a foothold, reducing the land available for grazing cattle and contributing a massive weed seed load for other properties further downstream.

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Grassroots Magazine

Grassroots Magazine

Blade by blade, the Grassroots Magazine illustrates how 13 landholders have improved land condition on their central Queensland properties. Filled with beautiful images and heartfelt stories the magazine showcases what’s achievable in the Fitzroy region through regenerative agriculture and hard work.

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Gully Erosion in the Fitzroy Basin – case studies

Gully Erosion in the Fitzroy Basin

Erosion from gullies is considered one of the greatest risks to the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Program, Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) has worked with graziers across the region to repair gullies using innovative approaches. FBA has worked with six graziers with actively eroding gullies, located in high risk sediment areas identified through FBA's Sediment Risk Mapping, to complete site specific gully erosion projects in our region. Follow their journey and hear how they went about repairing gullies on their properties.

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Gully Erosion in the Fitzroy Basin – case studies

Gully Erosion in the Fitzroy Basin - 12 months on

Erosion from gullies is considered one of the greatest risks to the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Program, Fitzroy Basin Association has worked with graziers in high risk sediment areas to implement individually tailored remediation works. 12 months on, we revisit 3 landholders to find out how their erosion sites are recovering, how restoration works have withstood rain events and what they've achieved for their property and future.

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Zero-till controlled traffic farming system case study

Zero-till controlled traffic farming system case study

To Wandoan grain grower Russell Ezzy, converting his enterprise from conventional tillage to a zero-till controlled traffic farming system is a long-term commitment for a profitable and sustainable business.

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Team Turtle Central Queensland

TTCQ Snapshot

Team Turtle Central Queensland (TTCQ) was established almost a decade ago to train a network of community volunteers in turtle monitoring. TTCQ is a citizen scientist program with the aim of collecting and collating quality data for submission to the Department of Environment and Science (DES) managed Queensland Turtle Conversation Program database and local authorities which informs and influences coastal management and threat mitigation for marine turtle species

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Healing gully erosion at Waterford

Healing gully erosion at Waterford

Waterford is situated among basalt peaks characteristic of the region between Capella and Dysart and located on the watershed of the Isaac and Nogoa Rivers. It is operated by Russell and Sheryl Purvis who have owned the property for more than thirty years.

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