marine turtles

Fox den numbers on decline

Posted on December 1st, 2021

FBA partnership coordinator Dan Rea has been working with Queensland […]

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Marine turtle watching – community guidelines

Posted on November 17th, 2021

Recreational activities on beaches have the potential to negatively impact […]

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How community effort helps FBA reach its objectives

Posted on November 2nd, 2021

Our community rely on clean air and water for an […]

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Community grants support environmental care

Posted on July 13th, 2021

Getting on top of our local environment and keeping it […]

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Basking brings turtles to our attention

Posted on June 29th, 2021

It’s no coincidence that during green sea turtle basking season, […]

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Team Turtle CQ volunteers turn in record numbers

Posted on June 9th, 2021

Much of the information known about marine turtles in the […]

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Capricorn Coast unusual post-hatchling turtle stranding event

Posted on February 22nd, 2021

A number of post-hatchling flatback turtles have been found dead […]

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A CQ Guide to Beach Safety

Posted on December 17th, 2020

Located at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef […]

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Team Turtle Seasonal Report

Posted on November 11th, 2020

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