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Community and Volunteers Resources

Wetlands and coastal scrub species just a few of the winners arising from dune restoration

Farnborough Beach Dune Restoration project

Farnborough Beach is part of the internationally-recognised Shoalwater and Corio Bays Area Ramsar site. Its dunes form a natural buffer between the water and the terrestrial and wetland habitats within Byfield National Park. These Farnborough dunes have been slowly eroding.

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Improving fish passage in the Fitzroy Basin

Improving fish passage in the Fitzroy Basin

Many of our native fish species need to be able to migrate between fresh and salt water to complete their life cycle. Barriers such as roads, dams and weirs can prevent fish passage. Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. is working in priority areas across the Fitzroy Basin to improve fish passage by installing fish ways or fish ladders to allow access to upstream freshwater systems. In this video you can see two fishways we have installed, one at Moores Creek and the other at the Rockhampton Barrage. This work has been possible through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Program.

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Fitzroy River Turtle

Protecting Fitzroy River Turtle's Nests

Fitzroy Basin Association's (FBA) Cassandra Tracey and Greening Australia's Kymberly Robinson sharing the Fitzroy River Turtle story. Over 190 nests have been projected, more than double the previous year's result. This project is supported by Fitzroy Basin Assoication Inc through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme and the Santos GLNG project.

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Fish hotels

Yeppen Lagoon Fish Hotels

The Yeppen Lagoon had limited submerged large woody debris, which is necessary to provide both an important food source as well as habitat for the lagoon’s native freshwater fish. With the help of Rockhampton Regional Council, providing access to the site and through funding from the Australian Government’s Reef Programme, FBA installed 10 new fish hotels as habitat for juvenille fish. The hotels consist of interconnected and stacked hardwood log towers in one of the Fitzroy Floodplains largest and deepest lagoons, the Yeppen Lagoon. This project was supported by Fitzroy Basin Association, through the Australian Government's Reef Programme.

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Five Rocks Clean Up 2016

Five Rocks Clean Up 2016

Five Rocks, located 60km north of Yeppoon is a special place and an internationally significant site loved by fishermen, campers and 4wd enthusiasts. A community event was coordinated by Surfrider Foundation (Capricorn and Sunshine Coast branches), Cleanwater Constructions and supported by Capricornia Catchments, QPWS and Fitzroy Basin Association Inc (FBA) through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme to raise awareness and encourage responsible use of the area's natural assets. 50 people camped overnight and walked the beaches to remove debris that had washed up along our shoreline. We can all make a difference to the state of our beautiful coastline. Small actions made by many, have a huge impact - so we encourage you to collect three items of litter next time you are on your beach walk. FBA would like to acknowledge and thank Kash Walker for creating this excellent and inspiring video.

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Marine Turtle tracks – what to do when you spot them

Marine Turtle tracks - what to do when you spot them

Do you go for a walk along the beach in the morning? Can you help us monitor turtles nesting on our region's beaches? Watch this video to learn how you can help.

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Recording Traditional Knowledge at Corio Bay

Recording Traditional Knowledge at Corio Bay - Nyoka and Amanda

Local traditional owners, the Darumbal People, hold a rich ecological and cultural knowledge about their country. FBA visited Corio Bay with four Darumbal elders, Nyoka, Amanda, Bill and Tosie, to learn about this environment. The videos focused on traditional ecological knowledge and cultural significance of the area, and were developed through funding from the Australian Government. Elders have shared their knowledge to ensure it is available for future generations, and to facilitate cross-cultural understanding within the wider community

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Recording Traditional Knowledge at Corio Bay

Recording Traditional Ecological Knowledge Corio Bay Bill and Tosie

Local traditional owners, the Darumbal People, hold a rich ecological and cultural knowledge about their country. FBA visited Corio Bay with four Darumbal elders, Nyoka, Amanda, Bill and Tosie, to learn about this environment. The videos focused on traditional ecological knowledge and cultural significance of the area, and were developed through funding from the Australian Government. Elders have shared their knowledge to ensure it is available for future generations, and to facilitate cross-cultural understanding within the wider community.

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Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan

Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan

The Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP:2015) has been developed to improve water quality in the Fitzroy Basin to protect the Great Barrier Reef. WQIP:2015 will cover the Fitzroy Basin and coastal catchments (Styx, Shoalwater, Waterpark Creek, Boyne and Calliope) as well as adjacent marine waters. The plan sets water quality targets for the region, identifies priority areas to undertake works and recommends management actions to improve water quality. It will guide investments in our region to improve water quality and help restore the health of the Reef. WQIP:2015 has been developed by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Programme. Check out the video to learn more and visit the website

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Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan – Environment

Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan - Environment

The Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP:2015) has been developed to improve water quality in the Fitzroy Basin to protect the Great Barrier Reef. WQIP:2015 will cover the Fitzroy Basin and coastal catchments (Styx, Shoalwater, Waterpark Creek, Boyne and Calliope) as well as adjacent marine waters. The plan sets water quality targets for the region, identifies priority areas to undertake works and recommends management actions to improve water quality. It will guide investments in our region to improve water quality and help restore the health of the Reef. Priority neighbourhood catchments for ecosystem repair have been identified to help target investments. Ecosystem repair actions include improving fish passage past in-stream barriers like weirs, restoring and protecting wetlands and riparian vegetation. WQIP:2015 has been developed by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Programme.

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