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Students share water quality project lessons

Students share water quality project lessons

When Emerald Agricultural College livestock manager Andrew Lewis approached CHRRUP and Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) to apply for funding through the Australian Government’s Reef Programme, he knew the small project had the potential to influence a new generation of graziers across Australia.

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Riparian fencing – long-term projects show improved conditions

Riparian fencing - long-term projects show improved conditions

Grazing is in Chris Hensley’s blood. He grew up on a grazing property and has been a grazier for over 40 years. In that time, he has made significant improvements to his enterprise, improving its sustainability and profitability.

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Wetland remediation case study

Wetland remediation - improving irrigation efficiency benefits wetland water quality

Many people drive through farming landscapes without realising the important role bushland lagoons play in improving water quality. This is not the case for Cowal Agriculture’s Hamish Millar and Greg Kauter.

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Zero-till controlled traffic farming system case study

Zero-till controlled traffic farming system case study

To Wandoan grain grower Russell Ezzy, converting his enterprise from conventional tillage to a zero-till controlled traffic farming system is a long-term commitment for a profitable and sustainable business.

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Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

Fencing and watering points provide unexpected pay-offs

When Brian Hay and his wife Lynne completed Grazing Best Management Practices (Grazing BMP) in 2013, they were pleased to discover that their land management plan for Gunnado, their 33,800 hectare cattle property 77 kilometres west-north-west of Taroom, was heading in the right direction.

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Grazing for the future

Using new techniques and technologies in an age-old industry

Dan Burnham is a fifth generation grazier, but even with his background and grazing blood, he believes there’s always more to learn, more profitable ways to graze and more country to protect.

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Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Rainy weather in CQ in the last few years has been a boon for local wetlands, and the fish, birds and other wildlife that rely on them. One local grower is helping protect local natural beauty by reducing run-off from his property.

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Improving run-off

Restoring flooded cotton farm

Arcturus Downs, located near Springsure, is one of many cotton farms in the Fitzroy Basin that sustained significant damage to its fields and infrastructure through wet season flooding in recent years.

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Long-term restoration – improving land condition

Long-term restoration - improving land condition

Ross Christiansen and his son Garth were some of the first landholders to partner with Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. to trial a new approach to restoring the condition of grazing land.

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