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Flow Educational Resources Resources

Gawula with Sally Vea Vea

Gawula with Sally Vea Vea

Gawula is a sacred place, steeped in significance for local indigenous people. Listen to Sally explain the meaning behind the area for her people. This video is part of a series developed through funding from the Australian Government to increase the knowledge and understanding of local traditional ecological knowledge. Elders have shared their knowledge of local landscapes to ensure it is available to future generations in an easily accessible format.

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Connecting to country near Springsure with Linda Black

Connecting to country near Springsure with Linda Black

Linda Black describes the strong links between cultural identity and connections to country. This video is part of a series developed through funding from the Australian Government to increase the knowledge and understanding of local traditional ecological knowledge. Elders have shared their knowledge of local landscapes to ensure it is available to future generations in an easily accessible format.

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FBA groundwater poster

Top tips to protect our groundwater

An A3 poster that simply outlines how citizens can protect groundwater.

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FBA waterway health poster

How to responsibly dispose of aquarium fish

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Volunteers – why we do what we do and love it!

Volunteers - why we do what we do and love it!

Volunteers give countless hours of their time to help protect the environment and improve its condition for future generations. Their passion and pride in their community group or club is inspiring. In this video, local volunteers share their hopes for the future, specifically in 15 years from now. Together we can protect our assets, support our growth and plan for our future. Visit for more information and to get involved!

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2019 Cane Toad Hunt

2019 Cane Toad Hunt

Earlier 2019 we joined Greening Australia and local community members to catch pesky toads. Check out the highlights from the event!

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Gambay – First Languages map

First Languages Australia

First Languages Australia is working with regional language centres nationally to develop a map of Australian languages that reflects the names and groupings favoured by community.

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FBA’s Flow Centre

FBA's Flow Centre

Fitzroy Basin Association’s Flow Centre is Australia’s only permanently housed Natural Resource Management display. Located in the heart of Rockhampton the centre tells an important story of the region’s natural assets, and what must be done to protect them.

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The Moores Creek catchment

The Moores Creek catchment - virtual fly-over

A fly over the Moores Creek catchment in Rockhampton. Watch as this video demonstrates the linkage between a highly utilised urban creek, the Fitzroy River and out to the Great Barrier Reef.

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