Resources library - Land Managers

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Land Managers Resources

Fencing land types case study

Fencing land types - If you fence it, they will eat it

Making cattle eat the right grass in the right place is a lot like forcing a child to eat their vegetables - it’s difficult. When cattle find a more desirable grass species in a level, shady spot, they stick around.

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Swarm Farm commercial launch

Swarm Farm commercial launch

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Personalised property visits for tailored grazing solutions

Personalised property visits for tailored grazing solutions

When Sue and David Walmsley purchased Walm-ley in 2009, the 214 hectare Droughtmaster cattle stud was in poor condition. The soil was compacted and eroding, and its pastures were degraded. Walm-ley is just 6 km south of Injune and bordered by Injune Creek. It was clear its land condition had to improve so the Walmsleys grazing business would be sustainable, and their valuable soil would not be washed away and onto the Great Barrier Reef.

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Carbon Farming Flyer

Carbon Farming for central Queensland Landholders

Carbon farming is any agricultural practice that increases or preserves carbon in soil and vegetation. Scientists have observed that since the industrial revolution there is more carbon in the atmosphere. There are many benefits to be gained through carbon farming including increased productivity, income diversification, profitability and a healthier planet. By working with FBA, landholders have an opportunity to implement practices that increase and preserve carbon in plants and soils. The investment in carbon credits accrued through carbon farming is emerging as a priority for key industries such as transport, mining and aviation. The carbon market is providing a unique opportunity for landholders to improve their land condition as well as gain returns on productive, unproductive or unused land.

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Wetland Case Study

Nankin Broadmeadows wetland case study

A history of cattle, water and wildlife on Nankin Plain.

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Students share water quality project lessons

Students share water quality project lessons

When Emerald Agricultural College livestock manager Andrew Lewis approached CHRRUP and Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) to apply for funding through the Australian Government’s Reef Programme, he knew the small project had the potential to influence a new generation of graziers across Australia.

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Multi-topic Forum – Workshop Summary

Multi-topic Forum - Workshop Summary

Practical ways to boost production, performance and profit. Held at the Rocky Sports Club on 20 November, 2018.

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Healing gully erosion at Hillview

Healing gully erosion at Hillview

Matt and Diana Hinz have been in the rural grazing industry all their lives. They take pride in owning land, implementing new strategies and seeing improvements being made on their property ‘Hillview’.

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Halting Cats Claw Creeper in the Boyne Valley

Halting Cats Claw Creeper in the Boyne Valley

To help control it, five landholders have participated in a Cats Claw Creeper control program since 2013 with the support of Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) and Capricornia Catchments through funding from the Queensland Government’s Regional Natural Resource Management Investment Program.

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