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FBA soil poster

Saving our soils - and keeping them healthy

An A3 poster outlining the importance of healthy soils.

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FBA groundwater poster

Top tips to protect our groundwater

An A3 poster that simply outlines how citizens can protect groundwater.

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FBA waterway health poster

How to responsibly dispose of aquarium fish

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Take 3 for the Sea – Are there microplastics in our waterways?

Microplastics Monitoring Manual

Become a part of a citizen science microplastic program that provides reliable microplastic data whilst educating and engaging communities.

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Fire in the Australian Landscape

The effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities

This is the second Note in the Land for Wildlife fire series and looks at the effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities. Plants and fungi respond in different ways to fire; some species regenerate quickly after fire, others undergo mass flowering and fruiting, some germinate, and others contract or perish from exposure to fire. For some plant and fungi species, fire plays an important role in their lifecycle. At a broader scale, fire can be an important determinant of vegetation communities and can help form boundaries between vegetation communities.

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Annual Report 17-18

2017-2018 FBA Annual Report

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Annual Report 16-17

2016-2017 FBA Annual Report

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Annual Report 15-16

2015-2016 FBA Annual Report

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Annual Report 14-15

2014-2015 FBA Annual Report

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