
Planning for a future of change

Posted on February 19th, 2015

Central Queensland is experiencing profound change in our communities, industries, […]

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Have your say on CQ’s future

Posted on January 9th, 2015

The draft Central Queensland Sustainability Strategy (CQSS:2030) has been released […]

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Discover sensational Sandy Point these school holidays

Posted on September 29th, 2014

One of the region’s most spectacular locations will be open […]

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Sponsorship to attend Landcare conference on offer

Posted on August 14th, 2014

This year’s conference is based around the theme of celebrating our […]

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National Landcare Award winner to inspire community action

Posted on July 10th, 2014

With a lengthy and well-respected history in community conservation, 2012 […]

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Coastal blitz to clear marine debris from 1,000km of coastline

Posted on May 30th, 2014

It is ambitious and it is happening on beaches from […]

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Feedback sought on Capricorn and Curtis Coasts water quality objectives

Posted on May 22nd, 2014

The period for making submissions on this project closed 16 […]

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Final chance: Capricorn-Curtis Coast environmental values submissions

Posted on April 8th, 2014

Don’t miss the opportunity to have a final say on […]

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Landcare: 25 years on and still going strong

Posted on April 3rd, 2014

From humble beginnings in a small Victorian town to a […]

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