Discover sensational Sandy Point these school holidays
Posted on September 29th, 2014
One of the region’s most spectacular locations will be open and easily accessible to the public next weekend at the second annual Sandy Point Discovery Day, just north of Yeppoon on Saturday 4th October from 8.30am until 1.30pm.
A popular fishing and recreation spot for those in the know, Sandy Point is not easily accessible to the general public so the Fitzroy Basin Association and Fitzroy River and Coastal Catchments are calling on families and interested community members to discover the beauty of the Capricorn Coast and find out why Sandy Point is an important part of the region.
FBA Chief Executive Officer Paul Birch said a bus will be operating to take people from the Mercure Capricorn Resort turn off, leaving from opposite the old fuel station at 8am and dropping back at 1.30pm and there will be a self-driving option available for both 2WD and 4WD vehicles with signs from the old fuel station near the Resort to Sandy Point.
“We will have guest speakers talking about the importance of Sandy Point, the native flora, the migratory shorebirds that travel over 25,000 from the northern hemisphere each year to visit, a marine debris cleanup information session, tree planting, bush walking and free morning tea and lunch provided,” Mr Birch said.
“The Sandy Point and Corio area has come under increased pressure over the years with more people visiting the area and extreme weather events causing erosion so we want people to understand the importance of caring for this area so that it can be more resilient in the face of these pressures – driving and launching boats only on bare sand, sticking to designated tracks and using the car parking areas.”
“For the first Discovery Day last year we were pleased that so many families and locals who hadn’t seen Sandy Point before made the effort to visit this beautiful part of the Capricorn Coast and we hope that many others will do the same this year,” he said.
Birdlife Capricornia’s Allan Briggs said Sandy Point forms the southern headland of the entrance to Corio Bay and is an important location for the migratory shorebirds that visit our coastline during the summer months.
“It is also an important feeding and breeding area for the Endangered Little Tern as well as for resident shorebirds and seabirds,” Mr Briggs said.
“On a larger scale Sandy Point is part of the Shoalwater and Corio Bay Ramsar site which is recognised as an internationally important wetland because of its unique habitat that supports large communities of flora and fauna. However, it is a fragile ecosystem that has over recent years been subjected to considerable erosion.
“We need to recognise that it is a fragile and delicate place that visitors need to treat with care so that the wonderful plants and animals will be there for our children and grandchildren to enjoy,” he said.
The event is funded by Fitzroy Basin Association with support from the Australian Government. Queensland National Parks and Wildlife and Birdlife Capricornia will also support the event.
RSVP to Janeen at FRCC on (07) 4921 0573 or email admin@frcc.org.au to reserve your seat on the bus, or to advise of self-drive for catering purposes. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Attendees are asked to wear closed-in shoes, hats, sunscreen and BYO water bottle and gloves.