Resources library - Land Managers

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Land Managers Resources

Natural Grasslands Fact Sheet

FBA Natural grasslands fact sheet

Open fields of natural grasslands are home to special plants and secretive animals, and support productive cattle businesses by providing palatable feed. Natural grasslands are an essential part of our local landscape and they need your help to survive. This guide is full of tips to help central Queensland landholders manage their natural grasslands.

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Pasture Budgeting in Central Queensland

Pasture Budgeting in Central Queensland Guide

Pasture budgeting is a technique used by landholders to understand their current land condition, and work towards its improvement. Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) has published a book ‘Pasture Budgeting in Central Queensland’ to guide CQ landholders through assessing their properties.

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Wetland remediation case study

Wetland remediation - improving irrigation efficiency benefits wetland water quality

Many people drive through farming landscapes without realising the important role bushland lagoons play in improving water quality. This is not the case for Cowal Agriculture’s Hamish Millar and Greg Kauter.

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Semi-Evergreen Vine Thicket Fact Sheet

SEVT Factsheet

Semi-Evergreen Vine Thicket (SEVT) is a type of rainforest. SEVT refers to an entire plant community – that is, all the different plant species that live together in one ecosystem.

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CQ graziers outline the benefits of undertaking Grazing BMP

CQ graziers outline the benefits of undertaking Grazing BMP

Central Queensland graziers talk about how they’ve benefited from undertaking Grazing BMP and how it’s helping them to improve their production, management and land condition.

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Healing gully erosion at Mt Ball

Healing gully erosion at Mt Ball

Stuart Donaldson and his family have lived on Mt Ball since 1997, a 9,000 ha property originally part of the neighbouring property Keilambete purchased by his father in 1968. Mt Ball is situated on the Clermont-Rubyvale road (north-west of Rubyvale) and consists mostly of undulating country of very old geology scattered with numerous ‘younger’ basalt peaks.

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Reducing the spread of Parkinsonia

Reducing the spread of Parkinsonia

On Donald Black’s property Langley, a 4,881 hectare cattle property about halfway between Middlemount and Clarke Creek, Parkinsonia—a Weed of National Significance—has gained a foothold, reducing the land available for grazing cattle and contributing a massive weed seed load for other properties further downstream.

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Kroombit Tops Threatened Species Fact Sheet

FBA's Kroombit Tops Threatened Species Fact Sheet

Kroombit Tops National Park, located between Monto and Calliope in the Boyne Valley is a unique rainforest landscape, home to a number of significant animal and reptile species. Download this fact sheet to learn more.

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Precision Agriculture – Targeting variability to increase productivity in strategic cropping land

Precision Agriculture - Targeting variability to increase productivity in strategic cropping land

This guide outlines the main technologies and practices to help CQ landholders begin or continue their precision agriculture journey. To create the booklet, 38 case study farms across the region (including dryland and irrigation farms) were reviewed identifying key areas for improvement, with a focus on reducing paddock variability and increasing productivity. Learnings and relevant information identified through this process have been disseminated to the broader cropping community through workshops, demonstrations and communication products – including the how-to booklet.

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