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Bringing back the endangered bridled nail-tailed wallaby at Taunton National Park (Scientific) through effective predator control

Bringing back the endangered bridled nail-tailed wallaby at Taunton National Park (Scientific) through effective predator control

The study found that native species conservation in fox-free environments is possible without the need for predator-proof fences and the ongoing maintenance costs.

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2020-21 Annual Report

2020-21 Fitzroy Basin Association Annual Report

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Fitzroy Basin Association Strategic Plan

Fitzroy Basin Association Strategic Plan

Fitzroy Basin Association's strategic plan sets out how the organisation works for the central Queensland community to grow a sustainable, productive and productive region. The plan outlines Fitzroy Basin Association's purpose, vision, legacy, goals, strategies, indicators of success and more. Explore our web and printable copies of our plan:

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Paddock to Reef Educational Flyer

Property planning tips to prevent and reduce erosion

Preventing erosion is always better than curing it. When planning the improvement or development of property tracks, fences, yards, water infrastructure and buildings, careful consideration can prevent soil erosion and save on labour and costs. This flyer includes tips to help you reduce erosion on your property. To learn more, contact our technical experts.

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Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program Case Study

Glengarry Case Study

With early COVID-19 restrictions obliging them to stay home, Greg and Connie Leighton of Glengarry reflected on the disruption as an opportunity to put some spare time into strategic thinking, planning and execution which has paid them back generously in less than 12 months.

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Team Turtle Seasonal Report

Team Turtle CQ 2019-20 Summary Report

The following report was produced by Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) with the assistance of Karl French, through funding received for Team Turtle CQ – proudly supported by the Queensland Government – Queensland Citizen Science Grants, and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The report, or any part of it, must not, directly or indirectly, be used, distributed, printed or copied without prior written consent from FBA.

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Annual Report 19-2020

2019-2020 FBA Annual Report

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2019 – 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Highlights

National Landcare Program 2019-2020 Highlights

We are proud to share our major sustainable agricultural wins achieved over the 2019-2020 financial year through the Australian Government's National Landcare program.

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2019 – 2020 Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator Highlights

National Landcare Program 2019-2020 Highlights

We are proud to share the major wins achieved by our Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator over the 2019-2020 financial year through the Australian Government's National Landcare program.

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