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Broader Brigalow Belt South Fire Management Guidelines

Broader Brigalow Belt South Fire Management Guidelines

Appropriate fire management practices to help land managers plan hazard reduction burning and undertake planned burns to improve production and conservation outcomes.

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FBA’s Tilapia A4 factsheet

Tilapia A4 factsheet

Factsheet on Tilapia (aka Mozambique mouthbrooders) including how to identify them and prevent their spread.

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How to make Stick Rake Lines (Contour Barriers)

How to make Stick Rake Lines (Contour Barriers)

Treat hillslope erosion by intercepting the downslope flow of water and soil particles with Stick Rake Lines (aka Contour Barriers). Create your own Stick Rake Line with this handy construction pointer flyer.

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Porous check dams (leaky weir) educational resources

How to make Porous Check Dams

Arresting and reversing gully erosion requires resting the area and taking steps to rebuild and re-vegetate gullies. These resources explain simple and cost-efficient methods to help slow flow and start rebuilding gully floors through building Porous Check Dams (PCDs). PCDs are a low-cost and low-risk erosion control method recommended by CSIRO in their 'Gully Toolbox' kit.

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Free whoa-boys (check banks, cross banks or roll over banks) educational resources

How to make Whoa-boys

Whoa-boys (aka check banks, cross banks or roll over banks) are specially placed banks that divert water with the objective to decrease erosion and heal and hydrate the land. Learn how to make your own Whoa-boy with these resources.

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Educational FBA paddock to reef resources

From paddock to the reef - a catchment is all connected

A catchment is an area where water is collected by the natural landscape. Water flows from the highest point of the catchment, like the hills or mountains, to the lowest points where it collects in rivers, creeks, lakes, wetlands or the ocean. No catchment is exactly like another. Each has a different size, shape and pattern of waterways. The way we use our land and water can impact the health of our catchments and the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).

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Rock chute case study

Raglan Station Gully Erosion Project

Raglan Station is a 16,919 hectare property sharing frontage onto Raglan Creek, a tributary flowing directly into the Fitzroy Delta. A highly erosive gully was present on the property, measuring depths of up to 10 metres and widths of up to 20 metres in some areas. The entire length of the gullied area spanned 241 metres. Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA), with funding through the Australian Government’s Reef Trust II Program, undertook a three-pronged approach to addressing gully erosion in the latter months of 2018.

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Gully Erosion Case Study

Raglan Station - Fitzroy

Raglan Station is a 16,919 hectare property sharing frontage onto Raglan Creek, a tributary flowing directly into the Fitzroy Delta. A highly erosive gully was present on the property, measuring depths of up to 10 metres and widths of up to 20 metres in some areas. The entire length of the gullied area spanned 241 metres. Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA), with funding through the Australian Government’s Reef Trust II Program, undertook a three-pronged approach to addressing

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Customised FBA support for Cardbeign

Rebuilding and re-vegetating damaged creeks in central Queensland

One site on the property was badly scoured with steep creek banks that were barren of woody vegetation that would normally assist to stabilise soil. This led to loss of diversity within the creek such as pools, rifles and steps. Additionally, cracking clay on the creek flats were in poor condition, indicated by the prevalence of weeds and wiregrasses. Due to lack of equity and a minimal budget, Cardbeign’s development has had to be carefully staged, utilising current infrastructure as much as possible.

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