FBA Prickly Acacia project delivers outstanding results

Local landholder efforts over the duration of a five-year weed management plan have made substantial differences to the biodiversity at Pink Lily, Fairy Bower and Port Curtis habitats.
A group of 13 committed landholders, with funding available from the Australian Government’s Reef Program and delivered by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc., has ensured 2,042 hectares of priority floodplain wetlands has been managed for weeds.
The program holds particular significance in these landscapes as they lie on a floodplain, and the passage of water has high potential to mobilise seeds considerable distances across the region.
Prickly Acacia is a noxious weed of national significance, dominating landscapes, over running native vegetation and aiding erosion.
In the Fitzroy Basin, cattle are prolific enablers in the spread of Prickly Acacia, dispersing seeds in their manure – consequently providing perfect growing conditions.
Ironically, through the spread of Prickly Acacia, pasture production is reduced, stock movement is impaired and the cost of running livestock increases due to potential tyre damage and restricted access to water stores.
A long term commitment from the landholders has proven vital in achieving tangible results.
As you can see in these before, during and after photographs taken at one of the properties at Pink Lily, the process of elimination is gradual, yet highly effective.

From the 2013 -2017 period, a conservative estimate of over 22 trillion seeds were prevented from resupplying the seed stocks in the area, based on research that showed each medium  sized plant creates 145,000 viable seeds per year.
The fantastic success of the project has required substantial labour, amounting to 10,065 hours thus far.
That is 419 days of working around the clock!
While the time and span have been considerable, those figures are truly surpassed by the extraordinary results.
Learn more about Prickly Acacia here
Talk to your local council about how to manage ongoing weed management issue on your property.
