AN FBA PROJECT SNAPSHOT -Lower Fitzroy streambank stabilisation project
Posted on November 1st, 2022

Project Snapshot
The People Behind the Project
Erosion Site Identified
Watching his property slowly be claimed by the river was the upsetting reality for Bill Kirkwood. With 180m of land lost, and 515,000 tonnes of sediment washed down the river, it was no small victory for Bill, Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) and the Reef getting this loss under control.
Clear Results
By stabilising the riverbank on this property, the future is not only looking up for Bill, but also his animals, local ecosystems and river turtles. The future of the Reef is looking dramatically less murky with an estimated 23,000 tonnes of fine sediment saved from entering the Fitzroy River every year. When sediment enters the Reef it creates turbidity which leads to reduced light for seagrasses and
coral which can reduce their growth and affect their reproduction and early development along with creating other implications.
SafeGuarded Futures
Daniel Boshoff FBA’s NRM Manager worked closely on this project and noted that, “everyone has a role to play in protecting the Reef. Land managers who reduce sediment run-off to improve waterway and reef health are helping to create long term benefits for everyone in the Fitzroy region.”
“This project is a big win for the Reef and the property owner. It has increased Bill’s productivity and sustainability while also improving the landscape’s function. The multi-faceted project is a great example of what can be achieved with great regional knowledge and focused collective power. We look forward to what’s next.”
Daniel Boshoff
FBA’s NRM Manager
The Fitzroy Water Quality Program is funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation with support from Fitzroy Basin Association, Greening Australia, Verterra and Catchment Solutions.