Get a buzz out of Australian Pollinator Week this year
Posted on November 8th, 2022
Running November 12-20 this year, Australian Pollinator Week is an ideal opportunity to explore and celebrate the unpaid workforce supporting approximately 65% of Australia’s agricultural production.
Up to one third of the food we eat relies in some ways on honey bees, which means looking after them IS looking after ourselves (a list of crops grown in Australia that benefit from honey bees can be found HERE).

But honey bees aren’t the only ones who help, flying insects are the main pollinators of many fruits, spices and the key ingredient of chocolate – cocoa! Sadly, studies around the world indicate that our insect pollinators are in decline. In some areas, habitat loss, climate change and the widespread use of certain types of pesticides have led to decreases in insect populations by as much as 63%. In other parts of the globe, studies indicate insect decline is closer to 9% per decade. While this doesn’t sound high, it’s a big concern when you consider the growing human population, need for food, and the fact that in 30years that equates to a quarter of the globe’s insect population disappearing.
So this Australian Pollinator Week, be sure to explore, celebrate and look after all our pollinators and help spread the buzz!
- Sign up for a free webinar about pollinators HERE
- 12 Nov Australian Pollinator Count
- 13 Nov Powerful Pollinators
- 14 Bee Friendly Farming in Australia
- 16 Discover Australia’s Native Bees
- Learn 4 simple steps to take today that support Australian bees, or download A Teachers’ guide to Bees
- Take part in the Global Waggle Dance Challenge (help reach the goal of 20,000 dance videos uploaded from 20 countries to represent the 20,000 species of bees around the planet), or
- Turn up the volume and have a private dance off at school or home to the Pollinator’s song
- Check out Rita the Reed Bee (an Australian Native) for colouring sheets
- Read more about Australia’s human pollinators saving native species from extinction
- Bee-come a Bee Ambassador for 2023! Learn how HERE!