Huge Efforts by Volunteers!
Posted on October 27th, 2022
The last two months have seen some amazing efforts from some even more amazing volunteers.
The results of the Corio Bay clean-up days are in!
Across the five event days (spread over the last 16 months), 36 volunteers using 20 boats put in 183 hours of their time to remove 525 kg of rubbish from an internally significant wetland area.
The last clean-up event for this program will be scheduled shortly. Keep an eye on our calendar.

This project was funded by the Australian Government.
FBA also ran two volunteer events to collect seagrass seeds.
The first event at Konomie (North Keppel Island) was a great success—with 36 volunteers attending and three Traditional Owners (from Woppaburra TUMRA) and perfect weather.
Unfortunately, seagrass was not flowering in the meadows. While a little disappointing and a complete surprise (as seagrass has been flowering in the nursery since July) learnt about the importance of seagrass and restoration efforts and respecting Country.

The second seagrass event at Curtis Island had a smaller group of 13 volunteers however, the group sure did show that it’s quality over quantity that counts!
The seagrass was flowering and 175,000 seagrass seeds were collected on the day! To put this in perspective, a group of over 40 people collected 200,000 seagrass seeds at an event in 2021-22. It was a solid effort from the group and a great contribution to CQUniversity’s Coastal Marine Ecosystem Research Centre growing seed collection, which will be used for dispersal events during the first half of 2023.
These seagrass events are supported by Fitzroy Basin Association and CQUniversity through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program.

A huge thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers!