
Marine turtles

Posted on September 22nd, 2015

The marine waters of central Queensland provide important foraging grounds […]

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Mixed enterprise benefits from Grazing BMP

Posted on April 23rd, 2013

Adele and David O’Connor run two mixed grain and grazing properties near Springsure, managing a combined total of almost 16000 acres of land.
The country is dominated by bluegrass, with some mountain undulating country and patches of virgin brigalow.
Adele and David share the reasons they got involved in Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) program, and the positive changes it has brought.

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Moura landholders tackle pig control together

Posted on July 4th, 2017

Scott and Kelly Becker, along with Scott’s parents Norman and […]

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Move to rotational grazing on Dumbarton Station

Posted on August 5th, 2013

Winemaker turned grazier Brian McGuigan got help from FBA through a Reef Rescue grant to improve the profitability and sustainability of his Dumbarton Station property near Middlemount by moving to a rotational grazing system. He divided his large paddocks into smaller sections and made changes in herd management, such as resting paddocks.

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Natural Grasslands

Posted on May 8th, 2013

Endangered under Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 […]

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Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

Posted on May 8th, 2013

A strong and heavily built marsupial that grows to about 35cm high (on all fours) and up to one metre long. It’s the largest of Australia’s wombat species. As the name suggests, these endangered wombats have lots of short brown hairs covering its nose.

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Olive Ridley Turtle

Posted on August 27th, 2018

Endangered under Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Australia’s Environment […]

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Posted on June 19th, 2014

Parkinsonia is one of Australia’s worst weeds. Parkinsonia chokes waterways and floodplains, reducing the ability of stock and native animals to access watering points.

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Prickly acacia

Posted on October 9th, 2018

Restricted invasive plant under Queensland’s Biosecurity Act 2014 and declared as a Weed […]

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