Weeds – a hot topic at recent Gemfields event
Posted on September 5th, 2022
Weeds are bad for business. They decrease yields, interfere with human and animal health, increase production costs, interfere with harvest and lower production quality. FBA works hard to help graziers and growers in the Fitzroy region manage weeds for improved business and environmental outcomes.
On 13 August 2022, FBA’s Regional Landcare Facilitator, Sheree Johnston and FBA’s Land Management Officer, Sophie Wilkins, join forces with local Plant Identification Specialist Scott Day to hold a Weed Identification and Information Stall at the Sapphire Gem Fest Markets.
The day was a hit with more than 30 locals approaching the stall and seeking weed identification assistance. A handful of visitors jumped on a bus tour through the Sapphire and Rubyvale regions. On the tour they worked to identify different weeds, discussed management techniques, and explored local restraints and opportunities.
Residents planting variety of weeds (specifically cactus varieties) in their gardens that become out of control and spread throughout the district was a common issue raised.
Sheree is passionate about working across the Fitzroy region and was the driving force behind FBA’s stall. “It was great to see local members of a community being so proactive with weed management,” Sheree said.
“The fact that people are planting weeds in their gardens speaks to the need for weed identification education in the region. The event was a fantastic opportunity to meet with people from The Gemfield’s district and provide critical knowledge on invasive plant species and their impact.”
“The event also highlighted the positive effect that a Gemfields Landcare Group could have,” Sheree elaborated.
Landcare groups and individuals across Australia have a shared vision to protect, enhance or restore the natural environment in their local community through sustainable land management and conservation activities.
Over the coming month Sheree and the FBA team will work to help establish a Gemfields Landcare Group. Any community members interested in learning more or joining the group are encouraged to contact Sheree (0448 219 982 or sheree.johnston@fba.org.au).

FBA thank the Gemfields Community for welcoming us to this recent event.
This project is funded by the Australian Government.