Resources library - Case Studies & Snapshots

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Case Studies & Snapshots Resources

Supporting landholders to save their soils and the reef

Project Snapshot - Gully Remediation in the Fitzroy

PROJECT SUMMARY • Over 190 landholders canvassed, 44 landholders engaged across five Fitzroy subcatchments • 176 property visits and 56 site assessments • 53 erosion management plans developed • 3,441 hectares of gullies and vulnerable land (i.e. scalds) fenced for stock exclusion • 140 hectares of gullies treated through erosion control structures • 652 erosion control structures constructed • Four demonstration site field days to promote gully remediation and soil saving management practices

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Multi-topic Forum – Workshop Summary

Multi-topic Forum - Workshop Summary

Practical ways to boost production, performance and profit. Held at the Rocky Sports Club on 20 November, 2018.

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Improving land management makes long-term sense

Improving land management makes long-term sense

The annual rainfall at Brian and Judy Pownall’s property Leichhardt, located roughly 25 kilometres east of Dysart, is just 600 mm. However, a month after installing new contour banks in their cultivation areas, they received almost all their annual rainfall in just 10 days. Despite the deluge, the new contour banks held, proving their value and ensuring valuable soil and moisture was not washed away into the local creek after the downpour.

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Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Growing better Halting run-off in horticulture

Rainy weather in CQ in the last few years has been a boon for local wetlands, and the fish, birds and other wildlife that rely on them. One local grower is helping protect local natural beauty by reducing run-off from his property.

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Wetland case study

Fitzroy coastal floodplain case study

This case study was created by the Department of Environment and Resource Management Aquatic Ecosystem Health Science Integration and Capacity Building Team as part of the Queensland Wetlands Program. The purpose of this conceptual modelling case study is to synthesise and present information on the values of the Fitzroy estuarine floodplain wetland pools. In particular, the study examines how physical and biological connectivity across the Fitzroy delta landscape drives the ecological functioning of the wetland pools.

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Delivering NRM outcomes in the Fitzroy Region since 1997

Snapshot - Key FBA Initiatives

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A Masterclass with Joel Salatin

A Masterclass with Joel Salatin

In early 2018 we ran two, two-day events with the internationally renowned regenerative farmer, Joel Salatin. Salatin, a household name in agriculture, operates Polyface Farm, a renowned multi-species, multi-pasture grass based enterprise in Virginia, USA. Termed ‘beyond organic’, Polyfaces Farm boasts an operation so environmentally friendly and productive, it claims to mitigate global warming while averaging 400 cow days per acre. This video captures event highlights and a chat with Joel.

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Horticulture case study

Horticulture - Applying lessons learnt across industries

For seed sweet potato grower Eric Coleman, applying lessons learnt from grain growers has allowed him to improve his profitability by reducing his need for herbicides while also decreasing the amount of run-off generated by his farm.

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Cane toad challenge community grants Greening Australia

Cane toad challenge

The CQ Cane Toad challenge is a challenge for landholders and community members in Gladstone, Rockhampton and Yeppoon to go out and collect adult canetoads and tadpoles so that native species can thrive. 50 people have signed up for the program so far! This Greening Australia project is one of six successful community grants applications and is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme and supports the research of UQ's Institute for Molecular Bioscience.

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