Resources library - Caring for Catchments
Caring for Catchments Resources
Walking the Landscape Lower Fitzroy Catchment Story
Lower Fitzroy River Catchment Story
To effectively manage the catchment it is important to have a collective understanding of how the catchment works. This map journal gathers information from experts and other data sources to provide that understanding.
Take 3 for the Sea – Are there microplastics in our waterways?
Microplastics Monitoring Manual
Become a part of a citizen science microplastic program that provides reliable microplastic data whilst educating and engaging communities.
Case Study
Calliungal Wetland Case Study
A Queensland Government case study focusing on managing cattle and wetlands where three rivers meet; on the Calliungal floodplain.
Fire in the Australian Landscape
The effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities
This is the second Note in the Land for Wildlife fire series and looks at the effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities. Plants and fungi respond in different ways to fire; some species regenerate quickly after fire, others undergo mass flowering and fruiting, some germinate, and others contract or perish from exposure to fire. For some plant and fungi species, fire plays an important role in their lifecycle. At a broader scale, fire can be an important determinant of vegetation communities and can help form boundaries between vegetation communities.
Wetland case study
Kinka Wetlands case study
This Pilot Program project at Kinka Swamp was so successful that the area has been gazetted as a Reserve for Beach Protection and Coastal Management, with Rockhampton Regional Council (formerly Livingstone Shire Council) as trustee. The project involved restoration of fish passage to 57 hectares of wetland by constructing two fishways at strategic locations, as well as improving access for recreational purposes. The environmental value of the site was promoted through education and an interpretive sign
FBA’s Flow Centre
FBA's Flow Centre
Fitzroy Basin Association’s Flow Centre is Australia’s only permanently housed Natural Resource Management display. Located in the heart of Rockhampton the centre tells an important story of the region’s natural assets, and what must be done to protect them.
Creating a legacy future generations will be proud to inherit
Project Snapshot - Establishing 'A-class' Grazing in the Burdekin and Fitzroy
PROJECT SUMMARY • Cross-regional program coordination with NQ Dry Tropics • Over 50 graziers canvassed, eight engaged in the Fitzroy Region project • The eight Fitzroy participants collectively installed 34.5km of fencing, 35.9km pipe, nine tanks and 30 troughs to facilitate offstream watering • 19 regional landholder events to support and promote improving practices • End of program celebratory Reef to Beef tour in Townsville for project participants and families
Wetland Case Study
Nankin Broadmeadows wetland case study
A history of cattle, water and wildlife on Nankin Plain.
Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2017
Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2017 Video
One weekend, 67 volunteers and more than 1 tonne of rubbish removed. Here is all of the highlights from the 2017 annual Five Rocks Beach Clean Up.