Plastic Free July with FBA!
Posted on July 10th, 2023
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.
Clean up Australia’s 2022 National Rubbish Report reveals that plastics account for 63% of the rubbish items removed from our parks, schools, bushlands, creeks, beaches and roadways, indicating a 17% increase from 2021.
At FBA we have a full team passionate about doing their part for the environment!
Land Management Officer, Katlin Tilly is especially driven when it comes to sustainable living. We had a chat with her about her journey to reducing her plastic use.
Katlin’s journey began when she travelled overseas.

“I was exposed to the impacts of plastic pollution and then from there I couldn’t stop seeing it, everywhere I went. I decided at that point I wanted to do everything I could to help be a part of the solution,” said Katlin.
Check out our full video interview below.