Endangered CQ Species Features in New Video
Posted on July 5th, 2023
We’re proud to release a new educational video that puts one of the region’s threatened species in the spotlight. No, not the koala or the marine turtle – it’s semi-evergreen vine thicket.
Semi-evergreen vine thicket (or SEVT), also known as bottletree scrub or softwood scrub, is a unique collection of trees and shrubs mixed with twining plants and vines (hence its name). Together the collection of living things (or ecological community) creates benefits for the CQ environment, animals, and humans!
SEVT is the most biodiverse ecosystem in central Queensland. It is also the most carbon-dense ecosystem in central Queensland – storing large masses of carbon both above and below the ground. SEVT’s dense green mass of trees and vines is largely drought resistant. These features provide critical habitat and protection to native animals, safeguard people, homes and businesses from dangerous wildfires and improve the health and productivity of soil.
It’s believed that SEVT covered more than 7 million hectares of Queensland and NSW at the start of the 20th century. Burning and clearing for agriculture have significantly reduced the amount of remaining SEVT. With less than 30% of the original SEVT remaining, the community is listed as endangered.

Over the last four years we have been working with local land managers, First Nations People, local government and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services to protect the remaining SEVT. This work has included feral animal control, weed control, managing stock access and community awareness.

The recently released video is aimed at central Queensland school children and highlights the importance, benefits and beauty of the endangered community. The video features local land manager, Jim Becker and expert in plant ecology, Dr Catherine Pohlman, and highlights the importance of SEVT and the essential role that CQ graziers play in caring for it.
Dr Pohlman works at FBA as a Project Officer and has led the SEVT project.
“CQ is filled with incredible plants and animals. Each of them provides a service or function which benefits us all in ways that are often unseen. This educational video is a great way to raise awareness of these lesser known, but highly valuable, assets.
FBA has produced a range of educational videos that are popular with educators across central Queensland. We are excited to add another resource to our growing library.”
said Catherine.
To accompany the video, we have created a SEVT factsheet. The factsheet reiterates the key learning from the video and is a fantastic resource for regional educators. To explore our other educational resources visit our online resource library.
This project and on-ground work have been funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.