Coastal and marine areas
Boasting some of the Great Barrier Reef’s most accessible inshore islands – The Keppels – our coastal and marine areas support robust tourism and fishing industries.
Our coastal areas encompass one of only five international wetlands of significance in Queensland, and host six of the world’s seven marine turtle species as well as Australia’s southern-most population of the Australian snubfin dolphin.
Learn more about:

CQ coastal and marine areas
Importance of, trends and pressures impacting these areas in the Fitzroy Region.

Integrated modelling and excellent visualisations showing currents, water temperature, water quality and more across the Great Barrier Reef.

Fitzroy's coastal and marine ecosystems
Maps, stats and facts to explore and explain Fitzroy Region’s coastal and marine ecosystems.

Walk the Landscape - Calliope
Stories, facts and interactive maps of the Calliope Catchment, including coastal and marine areas.