Get “Bee-sy” this World Bee Day
Posted on May 12th, 2022

Friday May 20 is World Bee Day, a day dedicated to celebrating our hardworking little pollinators, raising awareness of their significance and other pollinators to our survival.
Did you know Bees pollinate a whopping two thirds of our food production?!
Without bees, our food security is at risk; our biodiversity is at risk; our ecosystems are at risk. Most fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds, and livestock feed are dependent on bees for the production. The increased use of modernised agricultural practices, such as overuse of pesticides and herbicides, has caused bees to become more susceptible to diseases and pests. Urbanisation has caused a reduction in bee habitat and food sources. As a result, bee population is on a decline (average loss of 30% a year); therefore threatening our food production and environment as a whole.
Great Teaching Resources
You can find a digital library full of fun and entertaining bee information and educational resources at the Act for Bees website. They partnered with Cool Australia to develop a curriculum aligned unit ‘Love Food? Love Bees!’ for students in early, primary and secondary years. The unit for each level contains lessons that have hands-on activities, tips, content information, assessment ideas, engaging videos and a range of other tools to support teachers in navigating the unit. There are also a great range of resources in the Cool Australia Toolbox to use in the classroom too.
For some fun activities and education resources check out Dirt Girl World’s World Bee Day blog post
Get Involved

Start exploring World Bee Day events and learn what’s happening near you or register your own event here
Get involved in World Bee Day with these ideas here
Have some fun and Join the Global Waggle Dance Challenge by registering here
Download this Pollinator Friendly Garden planting guide.
Social media are powerful tools to spread the message and encourage participation. Upload your unique photos, artwork and interesting resources using the #WorldBeeDay2022 #ActForBees #LoveFood?LoveBees! #WeNeedBees #SaveTheBees #SustainableAgriculture #FoodSecurity