Better Together – National Volunteer Week
Posted on May 9th, 2022

Celebrated for the week of 16-22 May, National Volunteer Week is Australia’s annual celebration of volunteering and volunteers. This year’s theme is ‘Better Together’. Bringing people together, building communities and creating a better society for everyone – Volunteering is vital to changing our communities for the better.
FBA is proud to be in a region that has a high community spirit and volunteers who freely give their time to help protect and restore our natural assets. Without our volunteers, a lot of things simply would not get done. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, connect with nature and make a valuable contribution to your community.
Great Teaching Resources
Volunteering Australia has created a fantastic resource library full of lesson plans and activities aligned with the Australian curriculum. These resources have been developed for all year levels (Foundation to Year 10) and different subjects: Science, English, History, Mathematics, and many others. The Science section has an abundance of lesson plans and activities that can be customized to a particular year level and for students to discover volunteer opportunities in our region.

Team Turtle CQ
One of our current volunteering projects is Team Turtle CQ. CQ is host to six of the world’s seven marine turtle species and three of these species, nest on our region’s beaches.
Team Turtle CQ is a collection of volunteers along the Capricorn and Curtis coast who walk the beaches every morning and record data on nesting marine turtles and hatchlings and protect nests from predators.
To find out more about Team Turtle CQ and TTCQ Team Hatchlings email lisa.delriccio@fba.org.au
Volunteer Today
Check out our current volunteering projects here
Check out the community groups in our region and their projects here
Keep up-to-date with volunteering opportunities through our events calendar
Social media are powerful tools to spread the message and encourage participation. Share your volunteer photos and activities using the hashtags #VolunteerWeek #Volunteering #BetterTogether2022 #BecomeAVolunteer #VolunteersArePriceless