Flood recovery funding – round two for CQ
Posted on November 18th, 2013
With the wet season around the corner landholders are being urged to apply for flood recovery assistance to help them make their land more resilient to the devastating impacts of floods.
Central Queensland’s lead organisation for land and water management, Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA), is delivering projects through $1.5 million in funding from the Government’s On-farm Productivity and Riparian Recovery Program. Funding is still available and applications for round two are now open!
FBA Operations Manager, Piers Harper said since August, 50 landholders were approved funding in round one to minimise further damage to infrastructure and regain farm productivity across the Fitzroy Basin.
“Cyclone Oswald had a devastating impact on agricultural land across CQ earlier this year,” Mr Harper said.
“Financial support is on offer to restore flood-affected farming land and erosion hotspots in CQ with the assistance of Queensland Government funding.
“Up to $20,000 is available per enterprise to replace fencing and watering points, and an additional $10,000 for soil erosion control, plus $3000 for specialist advice (capped limits per item apply).
“This funding assistance is provided to landholders in a 50/50 arrangement and is paid as a reimbursement, with all work to be completed by 31 May 2014.
“Eligible projects include riparian fencing and off-stream watering points; replacement of boundary and internal fencing for best management practice grazing; earth works focused on rebuilding the productiveness of cropping and grazing soils and gully erosion control to regain access to paddocks and within cropping land,” he said.
Landholders are asked to complete modules to assess their current practices through the associated Best Management Practice program – Grazing BMP, Grains BMP or Horticulture FMS to assist in confirming projects undertaken improve standards and resilience against future flooding events.
FBA’s delivery partners in the relevant catchments will help land managers develop funding applications and conduct BMP module workshops. Call your local office now before the Christmas break, 20 December 2013, and register your interest in a funded project and BMP module.
- Fitzroy region: Fitzroy River and Coastal Catchments, 4921 0573
- Boyne region: Boyne Calliope Sub Region, 4975 6555
- Callide region: Dawson Catchment Coordinating Association, 4993 1004
Applying for funding involves a site visit by a field officer to assess eligibility and help you develop an application for submission.
For further information, funding guidelines and maps of eligible areas visit our Tenders and Funding page.