Soil conservation experts needed for Callide, Fitzroy and Boyne regions
Posted on November 10th, 2013
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is seeking proposals from suitably qualified farm design and layout professionals to provide erosion prevention infrastructure design services to landholders affected by flood damage caused by Ex‐Tropical Cyclone Oswald within the Callide, Fitzroy and Boyne regions.
Scope of Work
FBA seeks suitably qualified and experienced soil conservation experts to work with identified landholders to develop and design farm property plans and infrastructure works which will increase the resilience of properties to withstand future flood events. The scope of the works will largely be aimed at the design and placement of contour and levee banks and paddock lay out in broadacre cropping country. Design and placement of the works should aim at reducing erosion on farm without unnecessary impacts on neighbouring properties. A small number of gullies in predominantly grazing country will also require technical advice on remediation to prevent further expansion.
It is anticipated that the provider/s will work with approximately 30 properties (95% broadacre cropping) in the Callide Valley north of Biloela, Lower Fitzroy area within a 100 kilometre radius of Rockhampton and Boyne Valley west of Gladstone. Properties requiring technical advice will be identified by FBA.
Term of Works
Commencement date is from one week after advice of acceptance of the project proposal through to June 30, 2014.
How do I apply?
Proposals are due by close of business Monday 18 November, 2013.
Download the tender outline for more detailed information.
Adam Northey, Senior Project Officer is available to answer any questions and assist with proposal submission.
Contact Adam on: E | Adam.Northey@fba.org.au P | (07) 4992 5417
A decision on the successful application will be made one week after the cut-off date. All applications will be notified of the outcome of the assessment of their application.