Webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry: Financial Management (1/3)

Recovering from drought is a challenging period, particularly as many businesses find themselves in a tight financial position. Proactive financial and business planning during this time will ensure your business is in the best position to return to a positive cash flow and profitable operation as quickly as possible.

Part one of this webinar series will focus on:

• Understanding your financial position – developing cash flow projections, identifying options to improve your cash flow

• How to improve negotiations with your bank – what are the banks looking for?

• Developing a business plan – what are the key components & where can I find additional support?

• Planning for the future – medium-long term business planning

• Financial assistance for recovery – what support is available through the drought relief assistance scheme and what are the eligibility requirements?


1. Bronwyn Schultz – Rural Financial Counselling Service (Southern Queensland)

2. Kristie Clark – Senior Industry Development Officer (DAF)


Register now to receive your webinar details to join the session.


Purchase now from $FREE.

Event Times

12:15 pm - 01:30 pm Friday 5th June, 2020

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