Coordinated Pest Management in Injune

Are you an Injune community member struggling with wild dogs, feral pigs or cats? If so, join FBA and your neighbours to create a coordinated and funded effort to control them.

Feral animals know no boundaries therefore working as a community has proven to be the best way to overcome them. Primary producers do not need to be reminded of the damage these wild animals make to their enterprise and bottom line. FBA is seeking Injune community members keen who want to work with their neighbours to reduce local pests. The group will be coordinated and facilitated by FBA and funding will be available for the eligible control methods.

This project is supported by FBA through funding from the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative 3.

Please RSVP to Kate McLucas
0417 938 022

When – Monday, 9 March 5pm
Where – Injune Hotel

Event Times

05:00 pm - 07:00 pm Monday 9th March, 2020

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