Bugs for birthday
Posted on March 28th, 2014
Insects and bugs may seem a strange way to celebrate a second birthday, but not for FLOW Visitors Centre, Fitzroy Basin Association’s fun, free, interactive and educational public space!
FBA CEO Paul Birch said the success of FLOW Visitors Centre continues to grow, with the Queensland Museum helping the centre celebrate its second anniversary today.
“Visitors and teachers have been impressed by FLOW and appreciate having access to quality speakers, exhibits, events and educational activities.
“As part of the celebration and further building on our activities on offer, entomologist and Queensland Museum curator Christine Lambkin is conducting insect identification workshops for primary and secondary students, as well as hosting a professional development session for adults tonight,” said Mr Birch.
“Christine will also spend time working alongside Fitzroy Basin Elders Committee Gundoo Junior Rangers and local Girl Guides to help them better understand the health of their sections of Moores Creek through insect surveys.
”The aim is to educate the children on how vegetation effects insect biodiversity, an indicator of ecosystem health.
“These insect workshops are part of a five-year program to engage communities to adopt a creek. The program has funding available for tree planting, weed pulling, rubbish collection and education.
“The children are currently caring for sections of Moores creek and it’s important for them to see how their work will make an impact.
“FBA is partnering with Fitzroy River and Coastal Catchments, through funding from the Australian Government, to bring the workshops to FLOW.
“Since opening in March 2012, almost 8,500 people have visited FLOW, with 2,500 students having visited for tailored education sessions on a range of topics including endangered animals, sustainability, water, land use and much more, all tied to current curriculum.
“On top of this FLOW has also hosted a range of special events and corporate functions including a travelling wetland art exhibition, Agribusiness events and business meetings,” said Mr Birch.
Pop in and check out FLOW next time you are in the area or contact us at flow@fba.org.au to discuss a corporate, group or school visit.
FLOW Visitors Centre is located in the Old Post Office building, on the corner of East and Denham streets. It is open 10am-4pm Tuesday to Friday, excluding public holidays.