100th grazier completes Best Management Practices program
Posted on March 21st, 2014
The Grazing Best Management Practices (Grazing BMP) program has reached a significant milestone with the 100th grazier having completed all 5 modules of the innovative program since inception across the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments.
Robert Sherry is the 100th grazier to complete the program. He and his wife Jane run Wahroonga, a 10,000 hectare property in the Clarke Creek district, approximately 200 kilometres north-west of Rockhampton, and he is encouraging all graziers to get involved in the program.
“Grazing BMP is going the same way as a lot of the Meat and Livestock Australia and DAFF workshops that we’ve been to over the years. Everything in the program is relevant, there’s nothing there that you think ‘well, that was a waste of time’,” Mr Sherry said.
“Completing the Grazing BMP program gave us a bit of confidence—that’s the main thing—and that confidence will help you back your own decisions and not second-guess yourself as much.
“I now know where I can go to ask people to help. The greatest thing though, is learning to have a bit of faith in what you are doing on your country.
“I strongly encourage everyone to get involved in the Grazing BMP program because it’s such a positive thing for the beef industry and we need positive things right now.
“You hear a lot of bad publicity about beef from time to time but Grazing BMP is one area where everyone can be involved and put the grazing industry on the front foot,” he said.
Grazing BMP is a joint initiative of Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA), AgForce, the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and North Queensland Dry Tropics and is delivered with significant investment from the Australian and Queensland Governments.
FBA Grazing BMP Project Manager Peter Long said graziers had given the program glowing reviews and this milestone further supports the value of the program to graziers and the industry.
“Grazing BMP allows graziers to assess their practices against the industry standard and identify opportunities to enhance their profitability and sustainability” Mr Long said.
The program incorporates five self-assessment modules – Soil Health, Animal Health and Welfare, Grazing Land Management, Animal Production and People and Business – which can be completed online, at workshops with other graziers or one-on-one with an industry facilitator.
Graziers interested in participating in the program should visit www.bmpgrazing.com.au.