

Endangered in Queensland, NSW and the ACT under the EPBC act.

Koalas and their habitat along the east and southeast of Australia, have undergone dramatic declines over the past two centuries. Like many other native animals, koalas have suffered the effects of bushfires, road accidents, dog attacks and habitat destruction.

Koala Photos by Charley Geddes.

Koala Fact Sheet

Koala Friendly Farms

Want to help koalas?

Improving knowledge of where koalas occur can dramatically improve management and conservation outcomes for koalas. Anyone who is lucky enough to see a koala in Central Queensland is encouraged to report it using the BioCollect app on their mobile phones. This app is designed for use by anyone and allows them to record sightings in the field using their mobile phone. This data can inform habitat improvement projects, tells carers where to return koalas after rehabilitation, helps locate significant koala colonies and can help with monitoring the health of koala populations. Information is stored on the Atlas of Living Australis website on the Koala Mapping, Whitsunday and Central Queensland Areas project page.  This project has operated since 2013 and currently has over one thousand entries.

Information on downloading and installing the BioCollect app. is now available on FBA’s website. A step by step guide to using the app to report koala sightings can also be found on the website.  https://fba.org.au/biocollect-app-for-koala/

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