Resources library
GRASS – Case Study
GRASS - Case Study

For Geoff and Lyndal Nicol, the mantra is simple: “Grass first. Every decision we make comes back to that.” This philosophy is the backbone of the couple’s approach to land management. 🌱🐮 Geoff and Lyndal reached out to FBA and worked with Land Management Officer Sheree to help bring their new property into their existing land management plan. ✅ Sheree identified the property as an ideal candidate for the Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions Program (GRASS) and was able to help them install vital infrastructure to support their land management plan!
Team Turtle Seasonal Report
TTCQ 23/24 Season Report

The following report was produced by Karl French in conjunction with FBA. The report, or any part of it, must not, directly or indirectly, be used, distributed, printed or copied without prior written consent from FBA.
Yakka Skink Fact Sheet
Yakka Skink Fact Sheet

Yakka Skinks (Egernia rugosa) are listed as “vulnerable” under the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act due to habitat loss. Yakka Skinks are found only in Queensland, and specifically favour Brigalow Country. Yakka Skinks need our help to protect their current population as they contribute to healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.
GRASS – Case Study
GRASS - Case Study

From learning to implementing and finally seeing results, station manager Michael Fisher, also known as Blue, has had quite the journey. FBA Land Management Officer, Sophie Wilkins first met Blue at a workshop where they discussed Cerberus, the 8000ha grazing property managed by Blue and his wife Aleah. After some discussions and a property visit, Cerberus was identified as an ideal candidate for the GRASS program.
Ornamental Snakes Fact Sheet
Ornamental Snakes Fact Sheet

Ornamental snakes are listed as "Vulnerable" under the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) due to habitat loss. Their biggest threat is habitat destruction from agricultural expansion and urban development. Native to Australia and specifically found in Queensland, their habitat is in the brigalow threatened ecological community. While Ornamental snakes are venomous, they are not dangerous to humans or cattle.
FBA Flyer
FBA Flyer

The FBA services flyer is a basic introduction to promote brand awareness for FBA. The flyer briefly outlines who we are, what we do and where our region is.