Walk Over Weighing Technology Changing the face of the Australian Cattle Industry
Posted on September 27th, 2018
TRU-TEST’s newest remote walk over weighing (WOW) system is a breakthrough in farm automation technology, allowing farmers to weigh, track and process their livestock from anywhere in the world.
Built to withstand the toughest Australian conditions the real strength of the remote WOW set-ups is the system’s flawless delivery of clean and accurate data.
Recognising the potential of this revolutionary technology Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) through funding from the Queensland Government Reef Water Quality Program – Innovation Fund has helped three local graziers install WOW systems into their properties.
FBA’s Senior Project Officer, Ellie Carter, is running the Remote Livestock Management System trail and is currently working closely with the three selected farmers, their WOW systems and data they obtain.
The real-time data generated by the WOW system provides powerful insights which help graziers manage their cattle and their grazing land [through moving paddocks more frequently],” said Ellie.
“At the click of a mouse farmers have granular data displayed in easy-to-read graphs. Previous to now gaining this information was hard work, timely to obtain and not always accurate – requiring manual mustering, weighing and drafting. Graziers have everything to gain from taking control of their data including, cost and time savings, improved animal welfare and increased profits – to name a few.” Ellie elaborated.
FBA’s Remote Livestock Management System Trial will closely monitor the benefits to each graziers business and the quality of their land.
Later this year free informational field days will be held on the farms using the innovative WOW System. To ensure you don’t miss out keep a close eye on FBA’s event calendar!