Balancing trees and grass for improved grazing conditions in central Queensland
Posted on July 1st, 2020
Located in the brigalow belt, the Fitzroy region was once dense with the hardwood scrub. Now, the region is the beef capital of Australia with over 3 million cattle grazing highly cleared paddocks.
Land clearing was common practice in the Fitzroy. It was perceived that trees decreased the lands ability to sustain cattle or that they took up areas that could otherwise grow grass. Currently, 80% of the region is grazed and cleared of woody vegetation.
Overwhelmingly, we are seeing these cleared landscapes unable to support the cattle that rely on them. While paddocks that balance native trees and grass thrive.
Native trees on grazing land are helping local graziers improve their productivity and land condition. Maintaining 30% to 40% canopy cover increases the landscape’s ability to support water and nutrient cycling, stabilises soil and increases biodiversity.
To help Fitzroy graziers improve their production and environment outcomes FBA is providing free one-on-one assistance. Technical experts are available to help Fitzroy landholders learn more about tree-grass balance or how to establish and maintain native trees on grazing land.

FBA is the organisation that bridges the gap between knowledge and action, and bring projects that combine environmental awareness, increased profitability and improved production to life. As such we are currently coordinating a project, supported with funding from the Queensland Government to re-introduce 30 hectares of native trees in priority landscapes across the Fitzroy region.
This project brings in the best local knowledge and scientist from CQUniversity to secure the best long-term outcomes for the region.