Resources library - Caring for Catchments

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Caring for Catchments Resources

Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast

Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast

The ‘Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast’ project worked to restore seagrass communities (critical fish habitat) that are declining due to habitat loss and destruction.

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Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2017

Five Rocks Beach Clean Up 2017 Video

One weekend, 67 volunteers and more than 1 tonne of rubbish removed. Here is all of the highlights from the 2017 annual Five Rocks Beach Clean Up.

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FBA’s Flow Centre

FBA's Flow Centre

Fitzroy Basin Association’s Flow Centre is Australia’s only permanently housed Natural Resource Management display. Located in the heart of Rockhampton the centre tells an important story of the region’s natural assets, and what must be done to protect them.

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Fire in the Australian Landscape

The effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities

This is the second Note in the Land for Wildlife fire series and looks at the effects of fire on plants, fungi and vegetation communities. Plants and fungi respond in different ways to fire; some species regenerate quickly after fire, others undergo mass flowering and fruiting, some germinate, and others contract or perish from exposure to fire. For some plant and fungi species, fire plays an important role in their lifecycle. At a broader scale, fire can be an important determinant of vegetation communities and can help form boundaries between vegetation communities.

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Take 3 for the Sea – Are there microplastics in our waterways?

Microplastics Monitoring Manual

Become a part of a citizen science microplastic program that provides reliable microplastic data whilst educating and engaging communities.

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FBA waterway health poster

How to responsibly dispose of aquarium fish

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FBA groundwater poster

Top tips to protect our groundwater

An A3 poster that simply outlines how citizens can protect groundwater.

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FBA soil poster

Saving our soils - and keeping them healthy

An A3 poster outlining the importance of healthy soils.

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Fire in the Australian Landscape

The history of fire in the Australian landscape

This is the first of four Notes in the Land for Wildlife fire series. This Note looks at the history of fire in the Australian landscape and also introduces key terms and concepts regarding fire ecology and fire management in Southeast Queensland.

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Fire in the Australian Landscape

The complex topic of fire and wildlife

This is the third Note in the Land for Wildlife fire series that looks at the complex topic of fire and wildlife. There are several strategies that wildlife use to help them survive fires and there are many different ways in which wildlife respond to post-fire conditions. Fire can either create, destroy or minimally affect habitat, depending on the animal in question. There are still many unknowns regarding wildlife responses to fire in Australia and this Note aims to provide up-to-date examples where possible.

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Fire in the Australian Landscape

The practicalities involved in planning for fire and reducing the risk of bushfire on your property

This is the fourth Note in the Land for Wildlife fire series that looks at the practicalities involved in planning for fire and reducing the risk of bushfire on your property. This Note is relevant for both landholders who choose to burn vegetation on parts of their property and landholders who choose not to burn. Being fire aware is applicable to all land types including farms, conservation properties, lifestyle blocks and government land. It is best to be prepared for fire and this Note introduces some actions that all landholders can take.

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