Team Turtle CQ Monitoring Program 2022-23 Results
Posted on October 17th, 2023
Marine turtle activity along the Capricorn and Curtis Coasts was extensively monitored by volunteer conservation group, Team Turtle CQ (TTCQ) again over the 2022-23 breeding season. 89 dedicated volunteers monitored 46 beaches from October 2022 until March 2023 recording 595 tracks, 443 nests and 230 emerged clutches.

Central Queensland is home to six of the world’s seven marine turtle species. TTCQ support these species by conducting Queensland Turtle Conservation Program authorised activities (such as nest protection and tagging turtles) and turtle monitoring.
Data collected by TTCQ is submitted to the Department of Environment and Science, who manage the Queensland Turtle Conservation Program database, which informs and influences coastal management and threat mitigation for marine turtle species.
The below report summarises the results of the 2022-2023 Team Turtle CQ program.
The report, or any part of it, must not, directly or indirectly, be used, distributed, printed or copied without prior written consent from FBA.
Funding for this season’s activities was provided by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust through FBA’s Protecting and enhancing high value coastal ecosystems across central Queensland project. In addition, Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) funded Facing Island census activities.