Team FBA takes on Beef 2024
Posted on June 4th, 2024
Beef 2024 was such an incredible experience for Team FBA.
FBA was on tour and on site throughout the event, and it was clear that the team’s planning and preparation efforts paid off.
FBA kicked off the week early on Sunday with a property tour at Henderson Park.

From Monday to Friday the team continued to lead 12 more property tours across the region.

FBA’s trade site also had people from all over popping in to say hi and learn more about who we are, what we do and how we can help them to improve their properties. Throughout the week, FBA staff had over 530 conversations at the trade site and many more on property tours.

Throughout the week at the FBA trade site, we had 153 survey responses completed! One question on the survey asked where they were visiting from.

Bethlea (right) and Braden (middle) had great things to say about their Beef 24 experiences.
“I attended the CQIRP field day and was impressed with the sheer volume of research being undertaken that will benefit the Beef Industry. The very next day I saw one of these technologies in use on Moonkan Park – the Optiweigh. The owners of Moonkan Park, Kristie and Matt Lisle, are an absolutely inspirational young couple, working hard to make their beef operation as productive and sustainable as possible. I’m quite sure everyone came away from their property tour feeling reinvigorated and enthusiastic about the future,” Bethlea said.
Braden added that he was amazed to see just how big the beef community is. “It was a much larger event than I originally thought, I loved connecting the community with resources it’s really rewarding being able to help people find solutions,” said Braden.

Sheree spent time in FBA’s trade site and also got out and about on property tours. “I realised how many people were unaware of the services FBA provides and it was great to get the chance to change that! We reached so many people at Beef and I’m excited to start working with the land managers that reached out to work with us,” Sheree said.
FBA staff also got out and about to present at 3 seminars and attend multiple others.

Overall, the week was a huge success for Team FBA providing valuable networking and resource sharing opportunities. We look forward to working with both new and existing connections we’ve made throughout 2024.