
Invasion alert – help stop the spread of Tilapia

Posted on May 26th, 2014

Tilapia, an invasive pest fish species has been found in […]

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Feedback sought on Capricorn and Curtis Coasts water quality objectives

Posted on May 22nd, 2014

The period for making submissions on this project closed 16 […]

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Final chance: Capricorn-Curtis Coast environmental values submissions

Posted on April 8th, 2014

Don’t miss the opportunity to have a final say on […]

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Global spotlight to shine on local creek conservation efforts

Posted on March 19th, 2014

Although it’s only small, locally important Fig Tree Creek, which […]

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Funding helps land managers make improvements to protect reef

Posted on March 3rd, 2014

Central Queensland‘s leading natural resource management group, Fitzroy Basin Association […]

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Make a difference, help clean up our important creeks

Posted on February 26th, 2014

Clean Up Australia Day is synonymous with the spirit of […]

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Big year ahead for Fitzroy Basin

Posted on January 9th, 2014

Almost $10M will be invested in the Fitzroy Basin in […]

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Reports highlight value of work with farmers & graziers

Posted on July 10th, 2013

Two reports were released today about the health of our […]

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Fish territory expands thanks to ladder

Posted on April 29th, 2013

The Moores Creek fish ladder has expanded the territory for […]

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