Funding helps land managers make improvements to protect reef
Posted on March 3rd, 2014
Central Queensland‘s leading natural resource management group, Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) has $12.5 million in funding to invest across the region to help land managers over the next 3 years.
FBA chief executive officer Paul Birch said the funding is provided through the Australian Government’s Reef Programme, formerly known as the Reef Rescue program, and aims to reduce the run-off of sediment, damaging pesticides and nutrients into the Great Barrier Reef.
“Grants are available to help land managers to undertake property planning; minimise erosion and reduce grazing pressure with new fences and water points to improve ground cover,” Mr Birch said.
“Upgrades to irrigation equipment, implementing zero-till, improving spray technology methods as well as other strategies that will help improve water quality in the Basin are also covered under the grants.
“Projects that maximise beneficial water quality outcomes are a funding priority.
“Through these grants our aim is to support sustainable and productive enterprises and to help land managers in the Fitzroy Basin make positive changes on their property.”
Eligible projects must reduce the amount of sediments, pesticides and nutrients that reach local waterways and eventually the Great Barrier Reef.
Mr Birch said graziers and growers considering making improvements to their property should apply now to access the grants which will cover up to 50% of the cost of infrastructure changes, specialist advice and machinery upgrades within capped limits.
“Hundreds of landholders have taken advantage of similar funding over the last five years and have achieved the dual outcomes of water quality improvements and a more efficient and profitable business,” he said.
Projects are managed through FBA’s delivery partner groups, located across the region and are supported by FBA through funding from the Australian Government’s Reef Programme.
Land managers interested in this funding opportunity should contact FBA’s delivery partners in the relevant catchments to talk about their property and discuss funding options. These are:
- Fitzroy, Boyne and Three Rivers region: Fitzroy River and Coastal Catchments, 4921 0573
- Central Highlands region: Central Highlands Regional Resource Use Planning Cooperative, 4982 2996
- Dawson & Don/Callide region: Dawson Catchment Coordinating Association, 4993 1004