Smart Farms Small Grants – round 3 now open
Posted on November 7th, 2019
Grants of between $5,000 and $50,000 are now available under Round 3 of the Smart Farms Small Grants program.
The Smart Farms Smalls Grants program funds organisations and individuals to undertake sustainable agriculture projects and build the capacity and capability of Australia’s farmers, fishers and foresters, as well as broader communities, to adopt best practice natural resource management methods. This will deliver more sustainable, productive and profitable agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and forestry industries. It also protects and improves the condition of natural resources, especially soils and vegetation, and assist in protecting Australia’s biodiversity.
Organisations and individuals can apply for Smart Farm Small Grants to fund projects that promote and deliver adoption of best practice sustainable land management. Applicants may also apply for projects that strengthen the capacity of Landcare groups and others to build their capacity to adopt best practices. Projects can be delivered locally, regionally and multi-regionally.
If you’re interested in applying but don’t know where to start our RALF Officer Vicki can help. At no charge, Vicki is ready to work with you one-on-one to check your eligibility and help you create your application.
Contact Vicki today to get started:
☎️ 0419 160 537
???? vicki.horstman@fba.org.au
There is up to $5 million available. Applications close 11 pm AEDT, Thursday 19 December 2019