School Holiday Activity – Design Competition
Posted on September 23rd, 2020
Help Capricorn Coast Landcare group jazz up their new electric van!

How to get involved:
1. Download a design sheet
2. Include the Capricorn Coast Landcare Group logo and something to show that the van is 100% electric in your desing
3. Add art, animals, plants or anything else you think represents Cap Coast Landcare
4. Photograph/scan and send your design to envirolink@cqnet.com.au
FBA would like to congratulate Capricorn Coast Landcare group on acquiring the second-hand fully-electric Mitsubishi Minicab MiEV van. The community group recently received a grant from Queensland’s Gambling Community Benefit Fund to buy the van. The van will be used to transport people, tools and equipment to local environmental projects across the Livingstone Shire Council region.