Resources library - Community and Volunteers
Community and Volunteers Resources
Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast
Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast

The ‘Protecting and enhancing high value fish habitats across central Queensland’s coast’ project worked to restore seagrass communities (critical fish habitat) that are declining due to habitat loss and destruction.
Walking the Landscape Lower Fitzroy Catchment Story
Lower Fitzroy River Catchment Story

To effectively manage the catchment it is important to have a collective understanding of how the catchment works. This map journal gathers information from experts and other data sources to provide that understanding.
Cane toad challenge community grants Greening Australia
Cane toad challenge

The CQ Cane Toad challenge is a challenge for landholders and community members in Gladstone, Rockhampton and Yeppoon to go out and collect adult canetoads and tadpoles so that native species can thrive. 50 people have signed up for the program so far! This Greening Australia project is one of six successful community grants applications and is supported by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Programme and supports the research of UQ's Institute for Molecular Bioscience.
Grassroots Magazine
Grassroots Magazine

Blade by blade, the Grassroots Magazine illustrates how 13 landholders have improved land condition on their central Queensland properties. Filled with beautiful images and heartfelt stories the magazine showcases what’s achievable in the Fitzroy region through regenerative agriculture and hard work.
2019 Cane Toad Hunt
2019 Cane Toad Hunt

Earlier 2019 we joined Greening Australia and local community members to catch pesky toads. Check out the highlights from the event!
Natural Grasslands Fact Sheet
FBA Natural grasslands fact sheet

Open fields of natural grasslands are home to special plants and secretive animals, and support productive cattle businesses by providing palatable feed. Natural grasslands are an essential part of our local landscape and they need your help to survive. This guide is full of tips to help central Queensland landholders manage their natural grasslands.