Resources library - Community and Volunteers
Community and Volunteers Resources
The Fitzroy Basin: Heart of Queensland
The Fitzroy Basin: Heart of Queensland

The Fitzroy Basin is the second largest river system draining to Australia's east coast. It is a large and diverse area with beautiful landscapes, productive agricultural land, and unique plants and animals. The basin includes more than 20,000km of waterways that drain the iconic Great Barrier Reef. Grazing is a major land use, and the city of Rockhampton is known as Australia's beef capital.
Fighting Tilapia
Controlling the spread of Tilapia

Confidently identify pest fish species Tilapia and ensure that you don't get caught with the wrong fish! This film explains how you can help protect the waterways of the Fitzroy Basin.
Supporting landholders to save their soils and the reef
Project Snapshot - Gully Remediation in the Fitzroy

PROJECT SUMMARY • Over 190 landholders canvassed, 44 landholders engaged across five Fitzroy subcatchments • 176 property visits and 56 site assessments • 53 erosion management plans developed • 3,441 hectares of gullies and vulnerable land (i.e. scalds) fenced for stock exclusion • 140 hectares of gullies treated through erosion control structures • 652 erosion control structures constructed • Four demonstration site field days to promote gully remediation and soil saving management practices
FBA groundwater poster
Top tips to protect our groundwater

An A3 poster that simply outlines how citizens can protect groundwater.
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. Celebrating our 21-year Journey
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. Celebrating our 21-year Journey - History Book

The story of Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is as interesting as the Fitzroy river system itself. There have been occasions where the organisation has meandered all over the landscape, many times been an ephemeral state yet always returning to flood due to the hard work and passion of the staff and community. This history book 'Celebrating our 21-year journey' encapsulates the aim of FBA since inception and illustrates our beautiful landscape for all to see.