Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan – Environment

Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan - Environment

The Fitzroy Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP:2015) has been developed to improve water quality in the Fitzroy Basin to protect the Great Barrier Reef. WQIP:2015 will cover the Fitzroy Basin and coastal catchments (Styx, Shoalwater, Waterpark Creek, Boyne and Calliope) as well as adjacent marine waters. The plan sets water quality targets for the region, identifies priority areas to undertake works and recommends management actions to improve water quality. It will guide investments in our region to improve water quality and help restore the health of the Reef. Priority neighbourhood catchments for ecosystem repair have been identified to help target investments. Ecosystem repair actions include improving fish passage past in-stream barriers like weirs, restoring and protecting wetlands and riparian vegetation. WQIP:2015 has been developed by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. through funding from the Australian Government's Reef Programme.

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