Pasture rundown the focus of new demonstration site and funding
Posted on June 24th, 2015
A new grazing pasture rundown demonstration site has been established at the Emerald Agricultural College property ‘Berrigurra’, near Blackwater.
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) Senior Project Officer Bronwyn Roberts said the demonstration site was a welcome addition to the resources available to help graziers learn more about managing this significant problem.
“Pasture rundown is caused by a decline in soil fertility and results in poor pasture quality and reduced quantity,” Ms Roberts said.
“Therefore it has a significant impact on the carrying capacity and profitability on the region’s graziers. Regrowth also has an impact on productivity; however, if managed correctly, it can benefit livestock productivity.”
Ms Roberts said a recent field day at the demonstration site was very well-attended by graziers wanting to learn more about the problem and how to address it effectively.
“The site demonstrates the symptoms of pasture rundown and also provides a place to trial treatment options, such as trials of different legume species, establishment methods and grazing management,” Ms Roberts said.
“There are also funding opportunities and expert support for graziers in the Taroom-Wandoan, Dingo-Blackwater-Middlemount and Bauhinia-Moura areas to trial methods that address declining soil fertility and improve their pasture species diversity.”
Graziers must be willing to complete Grazing Best Management Practices program and attend Sown Pasture Rundown Workshop. As part of the project, graziers must also be willing to collect and participate in the project’s on-site monitoring, which will then be used to develop a case study.
These grants are supported by FBA through funding from the Queensland Government.
For more information about upcoming training days, Grazing BMP and pasture rundown, contact FBA on (07) 4999 2800 or visit www.fba.org.au.