Geology, soils and ecosystems

Our region’s underlying geology, soils and ecosystems are intricately connected and are the foundation of our diverse landscapes.

Together they also underpin the productivity of our agricultural lands, shape our lifestyles and provide homes for native plants and animals. Healthy soils and ecosystems are critical to our regional tourism and primary production industries which support our local, Queensland and Australian economies.

Learn more about:

CQ ecosystems

The importance of and pressures on land-based ecosystems in the Fitzroy Region.

CQ Soils

Types, issues and importance of soils in the Fitzroy Region.

Geology of the Bowen Basin

Comprehensive report documenting the geological history of the Bowen Basin (54MB).

Geoscience Australia

Comprehensive resources to explore and explain Australia’s geology and geography.

Regional Ecosystems

Queensland’s regional ecosystems, their location and connections with geology, landform and soil types.

Rocks and landscapes of Queensland

Free downloadable notes on their geological origins.

Soil Management

Resources on soil development, properties, health, issues and management in Queensland.

Walk the Landscape - Calliope

Stories, facts and interactive maps of the Calliope Catchment, including geology, soils and ecosystems.

Walk the Landscape - Lower Fitzroy

Stories, facts and interactive maps of the Lower Fitzroy Catchment, including geology, soils and ecosystems.

Walk the Landscape - Water Park Catchment

Stories, facts and interactive maps of the Water Park Catchment, including waterways and wetlands.

Regional NRM news and stories about our geology, soils and ecosystems:

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