New FBA program for grain growers
Posted on March 9th, 2017
Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) is seeking expressions of interest from CQ grain growers, located in the Fitzroy Basin region for a number of new programs.
FBA cropping land management officer Luke Stacey said the programs will offer an opportunity for grain growers in targeted areas to access tailored assistance for their business.
“We’ve partnered with Precision Agriculture and their team will work one-on-one with you to develop property management plans and provide tailored support to implement actions,” Luke said.
“You will also have the opportunity to access training and grants to undertake projects to improve water quality, crop yields and your farm’s viability. We’ll also look at opportunities to support productivity gains, boost profitability and ultimately the long-term sustainability of your business,” he said.
Precision Agriculture chief executive officer Ben Fleay said they hoped to deliver some innovative new actions and outcomes for grain growers.
“As part of this program we will support growers to develop an implementation plan to guide their investments in technology and improve their input-use efficiency and ability to unlock their yield potential,” Ben said.
“Following on from that we will assist growers in understanding paddock variability and help them to develop targeted soil management strategies including soil conductivity, topography mapping, grid and targeted soil and plant sampling and use yield and crop biomass mapping,” he said.
Fitzroy Basin Association is confident the benefits to the grain growers will be substantial and many through this new program.
“This is an opportunity for grain growers to enhance their current knowledge and skills to deliver ongoing benefits for years to come,” Luke said.
“In particular it’s a chance for them to get access to technology, methods, networking and funding that could help build a stronger and more sustainable business,” he said.
FBA is a member of Reef Alliance and is coordinating the grains programs through funding from the Australian Government and delivered through Reef Trust. Through these programs FBA are looking forward to building lasting relationships and delivering significant benefits to our region’s grain growers
Ben said Precision Agriculture are looking forward to being a part of the program and to providing highly targeted plans for growers and the associated support to put those plans into action.
“We have access to information and advice from some of the top experts in the industry and we want to share that knowledge with grain growers to assist them with their business planning,” he said.
Grain Growers in the target areas of the Fitzroy Basin region are encouraged to send through an expression of interest for the program. For more information on how to access training support and expertise contact Luke Stacey by email on Luke.Stacey@fba.org.au or via phone (07) 4999 2837.